Why become a Business Travel Pioneer?

Interested in becoming a member and signing the engagement statement? Jolan will help you get started! Call 02 282 17 31 or send an email to info@businesstravelpioneers.be.


Our members

Why become a Business Travel Pioneer?

Win the war for talent. For 6 out of 10 employees, a commitment to sustainability is an important factor when choosing a new job. With a sustainable travel policy, you show that your organization takes its impact seriously. 

Improve the well-being of your employees. With a good travel policy, you will not only increase your organization's efficiency, but also improve your employees' work-life balance. Life is short, have fun :-) 

Flying less is also cheaper. The COVID pandemic taught us that meetings can be done differently. We are glad we left that era of isolation behind, but do take advantage of the financial benefits that online meetings offer. On the other hand, traveling by train can also be cheaper than flying. Don’t forget to take into account the number of hours that can be worked on the train! 

Why participate in our coalition of pioneers?

Increase your knowledge and expertise: During various peer-to-peer workshops you gain insight into your organization's travel behavior. You learn how to create awareness among your employees, you receive tips on formulating goals and measures you can take, and you learn from experts where the potential lies for your company.

Meet the right partners: You never walk alone! During various professional networking events, you will enjoy a rich exchange between partner organizations, economic players, knowledge institutions and policy makers.

Increase your visibility: We love to see you shine. Highlight your organization at public events, through our communication channels (social media, website, newsletter) and through press releases and interviews.

Influence policy: Get a platform to vocalize your policy recommendations and engage with policymakers from within the coalition.